“The meeting of the need is not based upon the supply in hand but on the blessing of the Lord resting on the supply.” -     Nee Hammers

Early one Saturday morning, we were driving to Jayce’s soccer game. We pulled up to a stoplight and he asked me if we were getting donuts. We ate a big breakfast that morning, so I had no intention of stopping. Curiously, I asked Jayce where he saw a donut shop. He points to his right, to a store sitting in the middle of a shopping strip. I asked him, how in the world did he know that was a donut shop. He simply said, “well, it says donuts, so it’s a donut shop.” Puzzled, I asked Jayce to spell donut…he smiled and said “D –onuts.” 

He only recognized the ‘D’ on the sign. I realized that he didn’t know how to spell donuts but we’ve been to the donut shop so many times he associated that big ‘D’ on the sign to donut shop…so once he saw one he asked me to stop even though he had already eaten...so of course we stopped…

Every time I think of that I think of God’s rescuing grace and overflowing blessings.


Just like Jayce recognized the ‘D’ on the sign and knew it was a donut shop, I recognize God’s grace and mercy every day. Things that can’t be explained away…Extra money in my account when I should be in the negative…the strength to go through the day when I’ve only had 3hrs of sleep…a coworker who brings me coffee not knowing I dropped mine on the way to work…

I may not be able to rationalize these daily occurrences, just as Jayce was unable to spell donuts but I recognize God’s hands in my everyday life. 

Just like a mother who stops to get her baby boy donuts simply because he asked, God will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings in spite of our cup already being full. Sometimes, all we have to do is ask. When I think of the things God has done for me on top of what He has already done, my soul cries out in praise. God reveals Himself daily, even in the small things we fail to give Him credit for. He anxiously waits to bless His children, even more so than we with our own children. 

My shouting lesson learned on that simple and routine Saturday morning was this – If I can’t explain it if I can’t even spell it, IT’S GOD!!! So just pull over and ask for what you want and He will pour out a donut sign blessing!!

What everyday blessings do you see in your life?  2 Corinthians 9:8 says this, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” God equips us with everything we need so that we can live a life filled with praise and thanksgiving. We fail the test of faith by worrying about the needs of tomorrow and what we don’t have. Instead, we should focus on the daily provisions God blesses us with. Looking beyond the basic needs that are met, we can see just how much God has abundantly blessed our lives.  



Jessica Thomas