Knowing My ‘Why’

“He must increase, while I must decrease”

John 3:30

The beautiful thing about scripture is when we study a verse it can speak to us one way. when we study it again, God can reveal a completely different meaning - depending on what you’re going through or where you are in life.

John 3:30 is one of those verses. 

What motivates me? What’s important to me? What impact do I want to make in this life? I am constantly having to reevaluate my “why”. 

Sometimes it’s hard to answer that question. The world can often influence my direction, blurring the vision I have for my life. It’s important to take time to step back and evaluate the progress I’ve made towards my goals and my purpose. Ensuring each decision I’ve made and every step I’ve taken continuously and clearly provides the answer to my “why”.

It’s through that evaluation I begin to prune things out of my life. If the answer to my why doesn’t align with the purpose God has clearly placed over my life, I have to let it go. 

Whether it’s a new project, a particular post on my website, or a partnership - I have to always think about my why. Am I doing this for self-gratification or to further the kingdom agenda? Sometimes, it’s a hard thing to do. As humans, we love admiration, we love to be congratulated and seen. So, to do things without receiving any of that can often be difficult but I have to constantly remind myself that in order for me to decrease enough for God to increase in my life I have to let go of my why and replace it with His. 

What motivates you? What impact do you want to make in this life?

Write it down and keep it close. Writing down your ‘why’ makes it tangible, establishing an emotional and spiritual connection to your goals. It’s a visual reminder of who you are and who you want to become. The impact you make will be a direct result of those two things. On the days you find it hard to answer that question or when it seems like life has derailed your dreams. Pull out that paper. Read the words you wrote and allow it to be the fuel you need to reignite the fire behind your ‘why’.

Jessica Thomas