Growing Spaces

For the last six months, my 6-year-old son has had one consistent request  

“Can you paint my room black?”

An odd request but fitting for this peculiar 6-year-old boy! While his choice of color was questionable, I understood the origin of his request. Jayce had simply outgrown his space. With his 7th birthday quickly approaching, Jayce and I decided to do a mini room makeover. Trading in his superhero décor for a new growing interest in the world beyond his eyes, outer space. 

I had to remember this was going to be a space just for Jayce. Which meant too much ‘razzle-dazzle’ would make him uncomfortable. So I kept it simple, ensuring his requests were heard, making him the lead creator of this project.   

Keeping it simple definitely had its upside. Making his room the quickest turnaround I’ve ever had on a house project! We stayed on budget, knocking it out in just a few days.

Honestly, all we needed was a little paint, some dance music, and a little creativity.

Turning this mother/son mini room makeover, into the most enjoyable project I’ve done to date. 

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Here’s a before picture of Jayce’s room.

I did a full tour of all the kid’s rooms last year on their very own Kid-dom


Jayce couldn’t wait to jump in and get started! But going from a bright red to a crisp white required a lot of primer!

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The finished product was definitely worth it!


After a quick pinterest search, i found some great ideas for a DIY nerf gun rack using a Peg Board from Home depot.


In the end, everything was Thor approved!

Jessica Thomas