My Story

There are an estimated 7.7 billion people in the world today. Which means there are 7.7 billion people who have a unique story to tell. I always find myself wondering about those stories. Not just my loved ones but the strangers who walk beside me every day. I wonder about their happiness, their pain, their struggles, and their victories. I know that every smile doesn’t equate to happiness, money doesn’t mean fulfillment and admiration doesn’t mean you’re not drowning in loneliness. A passing smile can be a blanket used to hide pain and regret…

So, if God is the creator of all living things, the one who breathed life into our existence, then he is the author of each and every one of those stories.  While satan will try to include as much pain and devastation as possible, God will use it as the climax to the victorious ending of a chapter in our lives.

There were parts of my story that I wish were never written, until I realized the beauty that came from my pain. The beauty from mistakes that carried shame and regret, the beauty from failures, the beauty from a broken marriage…so much beauty has come from so much ugliness. I’ve become thankful for the lessons learned no matter how painful they were. I pray that through this journey of sharing, someone else can find beauty in their pain. I pray that they find hope in the midst of their sadness, light where there is darkness. 

The name “Three Armed Mom-ster” wasn’t derived from the fact that I have 3 children. It was a name God spoke into me as a testament to what he has said over and over again - “I will use you, regardless of you, as long as you’re willing to say yes”. Having faith in what he promised, I began to gather the pages of my story. Opening old wounds that I thought had healed, remembering what I wanted to forget. It’s been almost three years since the night He spoke to me. It took three years to fully and completely understand his promise.


Whether 3AM was for my own healing or if it’s for the healing of others, I pray that His will is done. Through faith, I stand boldly for Him. Taking the story of my life and doing what He has called me to do…TESTIFY. 

Jessica Thomas